Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Contrusted Sound Space Final Thoughts

So I presented on Monday night it was interesting, a few things came up. We had to switch to a different area so my idea of dividing the class into four groups didnt work because the location did not really permit it to be done. Essentially I was trying to use the walls as echos but it didnt work in the new space and sort of worked in the old but it is what it is.

Additionally it didnt really seem like anyone really got what I was trying to say with the piece. I feel that parts were right one and others not so much. The placement of speakers needed to be further apart for people to get two distinct sounds.

I wanted the idea of difference and similarity to come across, however I didnt take into consideration that people dont listen as hard to music as I normally do that I focus on different things a lot, or it could be that I have heard the peice so many times that it sounds different to me and i get completely different things out of it.

But i digress the piece was inherently right after to me felt as a failure but looking back I feel I got the reaction I could have expected from it. You never learn if you always get it right and I feel that is something that is happening time in and time out for this class, but time to continue and start thinking about the next project. Ryan out.

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