Saturday, March 27, 2010

Constructed Sound Space 2

So I am still here in Norman staring at the space trying to get ideas and playing around with some of the different options in the audacity program. So far I get an eerie vibe from the hallway I get a dark view of it even though the lights are fairly bright. I decided on focusing on the hallway aspect more than the elevator.

I basically have chosen several songs that I own that are fairly new to me and have some personal significance and am arranging them together interweaving different elements from each. The problem right now is that they don't sound cohesive and am in the process of attempting to make it sound like it all goes together.

I brought my desktop speakers here to try out the sound however the plug is way to far away from where the elevator is so I will just play it figuring out how to place them in the hall the best I can with what I have on me.

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