Monday, March 29, 2010

Constructed Sound Space 4

So I am still working on this trying to put final touches on the piece and audacity has the audacity to continuously crash on me argh. I think this is due to the fact that I have so many different files on one audacity project, so I will just export it all as a single wav file and hopefully that will solve the problem. It has happened five times in the past hour of me working on this.

I decided to add more voices and be relatively flux-us in my approach of the placement of the overlapping sounds and have decided to allow them to "fall" as they will with only changing some if it is extremely dis-connective in my opinion. I am choosing this approach since adding the random element helps to high light my point and I feel the process should reflect this and besides I felt the random placement sounded more genuine and original in its sounding than the placement that I have at this stage.

Additionally I would like to point out that this is taking a hell of a lot longer than I anticipated to complete. Sound is such a time investment. To point out I have yet to carve my linoleum for my figure ground printing class. Hopefully I can finish this all.

To view the original basic version without the added voices etc. of the song please visit:

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