Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Notes in Class: 1/20/10

Going over the chapter reading

Frame: How you compose a shot, amount of shots for time. One frame is one thirtieth of a second.

Close-up: Focused close to the image.

Long shot: is an establishing frame.

How to use the shots to establish relationships in a movie. Long shots use as an establishing of a zoomed out perspective of the generality of the setting. Establish with a close up does focus on something that could be easily missed if used a long shot first, but does particular detail. Establish with zoomed in first saying that the piece is about that certain character, it established the singular character as more important than the setting, that the world is the character.

Any art we are creating a world giving them what information that we want to give them. The chronological information given is determined by the designer. We can establish things then question then and or not question and have it resolved and is expected or just upheavals the world that was set up.

Scene: One particular action from a perspective, a sequence is a collection of related shots and scenes.

As you edit how to these scene and sequences more from one to the next. Do the scenes have the same rhythm in the speed. Transitions implied violence through movement that have things go opposite. Comparing and contrasting the subjects when you transition between two different ones.

Duration difference is that plot duration within the film and the story duration is the rest the greater things in the world beyond the film what is going on in this world. What is going outside the frame what the story is outside of just the actual film where do these things live.

How does the character relate to the setting and scenes that are shown. The view of the camera where the framing could be and the way it talks about the person who is behind the camera if they have some input on the scene, complex camera angles brings attention to that idea.

Constantly asses and look back at the piece and how it is all working together. Take a break and look at it from a further view. Think about all the relationships brought about together.

Remember to use the White Balance thing in the lighting for manual setting.

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