Monday, February 22, 2010

Student Presentations #2

Bill Viola
Worked for around thirty years. Has camera mostly normally one angle uses water as a common motif. influenced by budhism, islam and cristianity. Focuses work on dualism. The Reflecting Pool. Viewer becomes a part of the space in a medatitve state. Many subtle details are shown in the video. Slowly the things change where people are present in the water but not in the landscape. Man jumps and is stationary not hitting the water. Very loud and pronounced sound effects. Pool becomes still while the sound of rushing water becomes more pronounced. Appears to be a repitition of the way the water is moving in sequence. Frozen figure finally disappears as two reflected people emerge in the water but not in the land. Light in the water turns it black and then moves out of screen to restore that natural color of the pool. Nude emerges from pool and walks away. Plays with the mind of the perseption of reality and if the illusion is just that. The inwardly focused mentality of not foccusing on different things going around the person. Question of reality if this is actually occuring or if it is some inward reflection upon a person's life. This was made using analoge processes made in 1977-1979. Question the role of time in where this event occured in the movie at a specific time but how long would this take for an actual human to accomplish this such as reaching enlightenment.

Spike Lee
25th Hour released in 2003, talks about different social issues. Monte convicted drug dealer's last day before going to jail for seven years. Uses dialouge as a means to convey opinions. Subtle hints and references to other videos and references to issues. Very political movie. Doesn't act subtle to things and up front. Feel insulting everyone but still not sure what side. 9/11 imagery present a lot in the film occured after the attacks. Shows the way smaller groups effect the overal way New York City is creates. Uses fast camera movement and angles while also being slow at the same time at points. Slow motion walk of woman. Teacher like drunk girl like drunk odd. Teacher and student relationships, teacher interested in student. Kissed student lulz. Uses the idea and is questioning of patriotism.

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