Monday, February 8, 2010

Fluxus Class Notes

Here are some notes from the lecture in class today.

-Fluxus starts in the 1960's in Black Mountain college then to NYC
-Works in sound, text, performance, and new medias
-Some artists: Dick Higgins, George Brecht, La Montes Young, Allison Knowles, and George Macunius
-Flux Kits or Multiples are art objects that would be explored or changed with time
-Idea of the artist and viewer created together
-Started at time where computer and new technologies were being developed
-Event score is a text, image or three d object and they carry out what it is in different ways
-Take something everyday and giving it significance by placing it in an artistic context
-They value the primary experience the creating more so than the enjoying the result
-Art for touching and experiencing the idea
-What you create is what you create not making something that signifies something else, does something stand just for itself
-No true silence, therefore the environmental sounds are the music
-Silent orchestras things were very interesting the sound is you you crrate it everyone expericens the performance differently
-Incorporating the whole thing into the piece is life media, what does the function of the actual piece serve as?
-Scores not necessarily as a musical idea
-Try to activate the space

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